Which Floor Is Best To Live In Apartment? ( Factors To Help You Decide)

  • By: Peter Parker
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Choosing the best floor to live in an apartment is an important decision. Every floor in an apartment has its pros and cons.

For example, the top floors have good views and ventilation while the lower floors are easy to access and are less expensive. 

Every floor has its advantages and disadvantages. Let us discuss the pros and cons of the top and lower floors.

Which Floor Is Best To Live In Apartment?

Advantages of living on the top floor:

1. Less noise:

Top-floor residents are comparatively less disturbed by noise. Since there are fewer people that visit these floors, there will be low noise.

Moreover, since there are no apartments above yours, there will be no stomping noises or other disturbances. 


The city views are beautiful from the top floor. Top-floor apartments have unobstructed views of the skyline and the city below.

You can enjoy viewing the beautiful sunrises and sunsets and also the mesmerizing city lights. 

3. High security:

Since there are fewer people moving around these floors, top-floor apartments are more secure than the lower floors.

Thieves or invaders cannot get into the top-floor apartments as easily as they can into the lower floors. 

4. Light and ventilation:

Along with the beautiful views, top-floor apartments have good natural light and ventilation. 

Disadvantages of living on the top floor:

1. Higher rent:

Since the apartments on the top floor are the most sought-after, the rents also tend to be higher in comparison to other flats in the same building. 

2. Higher utilities:

During summers, apartments on the top floor get warmer due to the direct sunlight. You have to use the air conditioner to keep the home cool, which leads to higher power bills. 

3. Difficult to access:

Reaching your apartment on the top floor is difficult, especially when your apartment complex does not have an elevator. Climbing multiple flights of stairs after a hard day at work can be tiring. 

4. Difficulties in emergency evacuation:

In case of emergencies, evacuating an apartment on the top floor is more difficult and tricky. 

Advantages of living on the bottom floor:

1. Easy access:

Apartments on the bottom floor are easy to access. You do not have to climb multiple flights of stairs to get to your home.

In the same way, you can easily access the amenities in the apartment complex. The bottom floor is more suitable if you have elderly people in the house, who have mobility issues. 

2. Outdoor spaces:

You can make good use of the outdoor spaces of the building like the backyard and the courtyard. The additional outdoor space is more useful, especially if you have children or pets. 

3. Easy to evacuate:

The residents of the bottom-floor apartments can be easily evacuated in case of an emergency. If you worry more about unlikely events, the bottom floor is for you. 

4. Cooler home:

Apartments on the bottom floor are comparatively cooler than those on the top floor as they are not exposed to heat and light. This means low utility bills and savings. 

Disadvantages of living on the bottom floor:

1. More noise:

Living on the bottom floor means the apartment is right next to the street. You will be disturbed by noises on the road such as pedestrians walking, the honking of cars, etc.

Moreover, you will also have to put up with the noises from the floors above us such as stomping noises, vacuuming noises, etc. 

2. Less security:

Everyone who enters the apartment passes through the bottom floor, which increases security concerns. Moreover, it is easier to break into the apartments on the bottom floors. 

3. More pests:

Apartments on the bottom floor are more prone to pest infestation than those on the middle and top floors.

You have to be extremely careful about any minor cracks in the walls or windows as they become entryways for pests. 

4. No privacy:

Bottom-floor apartments have very less privacy as they are open to the road or to the outdoor spaces in the apartment complex.

People passing by can see your apartment through the windows if you do not keep the curtains closed all the time. 

Top floor Vs Bottom floor:

Point of differenceTop floorBottom floor
Privacy More privacy Less privacy
SecurityHighly secureSecurity concerns
Potential of pestsLowHigh 
Ease of accesslesshigh
Rent Based on the preferences of the local people. But generally, higher floors have high rents. Based on the local preferences. Generally, rent for lower floors is less. 
Utility bills High because of the high use of HVAC systemsLess because the apartments are cooler 
Views Panoramic views of the skyline and the city belowView of the road or neighboring buildings
Natural light and ventilationAbundantly availableNatural light and ventilation are scarce, especially if the building is located in a crowded neighborhood
PestsLow-riskHigh – risk

The choice of floor is purely personal and must be made based on your unique circumstances and preferences.

However, if you are feeling stuck and need help choosing the best floor to live in an apartment, here are some pointers to help you decide. 

Factors to consider before choosing the floor:

  • Safety and security features of the apartment 
  • Fire safety arrangements and evacuation plans
  • Number of elevators in the apartment
  • Number of staircases and exits
  • View from the apartment, especially if you are opting for the top floor
  • Mobile network coverage inside and outside the apartment
  • Light and ventilation, especially for the lower floors
  • Health conditions such as phobias, mobility issues, etc. 

Make a list of your preferences and evaluate how different floors fare on each point.

Choose the floor that suits the best for you and your family. If you do not want to opt for the top and bottom floors, you can also choose the middle floors. 

Apartments on the middle floors have the best features of both the top and bottom floors.

For example, they are convenient to access, provide a better view than the bottom floor, and are also better from the security angle. 

Choosing a floor to live in is one of the crucial decisions when renting or buying an apartment.

Every floor in the apartment has both pros and cons. You have to weigh your preferences and the pros and cons of each floor to select the best floor to live in for your family. 

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